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About the BS in Exercise Science Degree

Why Study Exercise Science at Cedarville?

Do you aspire to a career in health and fitness? Cedarville's distinctly Christian exercise science major will set you on the path to thrive in a variety of careers, from corporate wellness to sports performance. If you're pursuing graduate education, the BS in exercise science will also prepare you for further studies in exercise science, physical therapy, and other allied health fields.

Biblical truth is integrated into each course you take, ensuring you're ready to serve your clients with Christlike compassion and a servant's heart. When you graduate, you'll be confident in your skills — assessing cardiovascular risks, performing fitness testing, assisting in lifestyle modifications, planning and executing exercise programs for all fitness levels, and addressing the spiritual needs of your clients.

At Cedarville, you won't just learn to excel in your career; you'll discover how to use your vocation to glorify God. Deepen your knowledge of exercise science in a campus community dedicated to pursuing Christ.

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CAAHEP LogoThe Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs upon the recommendation of the Committee on Accreditation for the Exercise Sciences.

Exercise Science Program Highlights

Program Overview

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From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement

Program Faculty

Photo of April Crommett

April Crommett, PhD

Program Director, Exercise Science; Associate Professor of Exercise Science

Photo of John McGillivray

John McGillivray, MS

Adjunct Instructor, Professor Emeritus

Photo of David "Pete" Peterson

David "Pete" Peterson, EdD

Assistant Professor of Exercise Science

Photo of Elizabeth Sled

Elizabeth Sled, PhD

Associate Professor of Allied Health

Program News